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Posts tagged ‘banks’


How Banks Does Engine Balancing

Recommended Reading: Performance Diesel Engine Balancing

Banks is a big-time name in the world of diesel truck performance, mostly because of the things they do to a diesel pickup’s stock turbo system and engine management system.

For example: Adding a Banks “Six Gun” tuner to your stock Ram Cummins adds about 130hp and 290 lb-ft of torque. That’s outrageously awesome when you compare that level of performance enhancement to your typical gas motor tuner that *might* add 50 hp.

While Banks engine computer tuners, air intakes, and exhaust systems get lots of press, this article talks about the importance of running a balanced engine. Some key points:

  • As engine components get lighter, balancing becomes more important AND more difficult (an extra gram or two means a lot more percentage wise than it used to)
  • Drilling a hole in the crankshaft and then inserting a heavy slug into that hole is a popular crank balancing method, something I never conceived of.

From Banks:

Balancing an engine allows it to run smoother, get better mileage, and last longer. But how is it done? The experts at Banks Balancing Service (BBS) took a moment out of their busy schedule to show us the procedure and answer our questions. Read the full article…