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10 Most Expensive Car Insurance Claims

Car insurance claims go through all the time, and most of the time the amounts that the claimants receive are in the low thousands. But, what about when someone wrecks an expensive sports car? How high is the the insurance payout when some trust fund kid makes a bad decision?

Here are the top ten car insurance claims we could find:

Ferrari Enzo

The Ferrari Enzo. Image copyright by Ed Callow (click for more info)

10. The Ferrari Enzo, with a price tag of £450,000, is one of the hottest sports cars on the market. It fills the pages of super car magazines, and it is on the cover of Internet magazines around the world. When one was wrecked by its owner in Italy, parts had to be flown all the way back to Italy, and the price tag was £170,000.

9. A Lamborghini owner lent the car to his son, and his son rounded a corner and hit another driver that was on the wrong side of the road. Luckily, it wasn’t the son’s fault. The Lamborghini’s owner was reimbursed to the tune of £213,000.

Pagani Zonda

The Pagani Zonda - image copyright robad0b (click for details)

8. Pagani Zondas have a carbon fibre exterior that is very difficult to repair. When one owner crashed into a wall, the car had to be sent back to the factory in Italy. The bill was a total of £320,000.

7. Pamela Green, a property mogul, was run down at a zebra crossing. She was successfully awarded £2.75m out of court.

6. A bicyclist was awarded £4m after he was hit by a driver. He now needs around-the-clock care.

5. Lord Brockett tried to claim that three Ferraris and one Maserati were stolen out of his home. He got a payout of £4.3m, but his wife blew the whistle on him for insurance fraud. he was sent to prison for 2 1/2 years.

4. A Briton who was traveling in Australia had a car flip over because his girlfriend did not put it into four-wheel drive. He was awarded £5.5m. This high amount was awarded under the English law.

3. A pedestrian, Nikki Buckley, was awarded £6.5m after being struck down by a drunk driver. She will require 24-hour care for the rest of her life.

2. A driver, Gary Hart, fell asleep at the wheel, and he crashed his car into an Intercity commuter rail line. The damage to the families and rail was extensive. The insurance company was forced to pay out £30 million. This was one of the most extensive payouts in history.

1. Bryan Drysdale committed suicide by parking his car on a trains track. 7 passengers died, and 100 passengers were injured. There was a payout claim of £50m.

BTW – if you’ve ever wondered why insurance is mandatory, these are some examples that prove the exception. Insurance is a necessary evil, because people are sometimes careless. Or stupid.

Guest post provided by Policy Expert – UK Home Buildings & Contents Insurance specialists.

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